Discover your inner intuitive artist...
I offer online and on location classes and workshops in Gloucestershire, South Gloucestershire and South Wales.
I am a passionate and dedicated tutor who loves to inspire! My classes offer a friendly and supportive environment in which your artistic development can flourish.
Find out more!
So what is Intuitive Art?
Intuitive Art is a free form of creative expression and a journey of self discovery that can forever grow and evolve with you!
To find out more about Intuitive Art and my Artist Journey click the button below.
Sounds great! Where do I start?
Intuitive Art is such a deeply personal form of expression I would never tell you my way is the only or the right way. But If you like what you have seen so far I would love to share my passion and my process with you, and give you some practical and artistic guidance to take on your journey.
Ask yourself these questions...

How would it feel to let yourself be truly free in creativity?

How would it feel to fully express yourself with no limitations, no hesitations and free from inner judgment?

How would it feel to be confident in your process, speak your truth and be in love with your own creations?
Connecting to your Intuition

Finding your voice in all the noise
To create Intuitive art I need to trust my creativity without the need for conscious reasoning. Meditation helps me to observe and process my thoughts and emotions, to understand my unique perspective of the world and connect me to my spiritual guidance. As an Artist I have a need to express my experiences visually and in as authentic a way as possible.
I know It’s not always easy to find a space in the day or even the week to be still. Too reconnect to ourselves can feel like a luxury, but in truth it contains the food our soul needs to be joyful and for our lives to be abundant. It really is all about shifting your perspective.
My Tool Box
Like many artists I often refer to my artist’s tool box. Mine is extremely full! and I love it. It’s an imaginary box with 3 main sections. I will share with you just some of its contents as an example.
Colour, tone, line, pattern and form. Knowledge of materials through experimentation, how they feel and how they react. Measuring, perspective, space and composition. All artistic skills and knowledge.
Sound, Vision and Sensory
Especially those little moments of wonder and beauty that appear to us like jewels in our everyday lives. Dappled light dancing through the trees or a sunset that rips apart the sky like fire. Shadows and silhouettes that abstract our perspective. Or is it the way you feel when you listen to a particular piece of music or even when you create your own.
The Intangible
The impalpable and the abstract. The untouchable things we sense and feel but do not see or hear. Non-physical Emotions, perceptions, energies, inner guidance, spirituality, instincts, intuition, and dreams.

Power in the process
Many artists work intuitively in their approach and process of making art. It's a relationship between the artist and the art work. It's a conversational back and forth where the ebb and flow of creativity can become a true form of self expression.
Sometimes we try to control the process and sometimes ‘happy accidents’ show us that, quite frankly we just need to loosen up and be free! The choices we make of colour, shape, form, mark making and application often come as a reaction to happenstance. They invite us to use our knowledge, skill and instinct alongside intuitive guidance.

For me intuition is a spiritual connection to our higher self and visual art is the language I use to express it.
Creative Challenges
When it's not working it can become a bit more of a battle of wills or a tug of war. This is usually a sign that you're just not in the right headspace or if this persists, possibly in need of some self care. I believe creativity comes from source, so if you're emotionally exhausted or detached it can be really hard to make something you're happy with. So be kind to yourself and don't be afraid to play! Let the voice of your inner child be free. Try experimenting… splat some paint, scribble with pastels, dribble some inks… don't think, just do. If you would like to explore your emotions, attachments and needs in more detail, try Journaling or sketching to understand and what's going on through a visual line of enquiry.
For a little bit more inspiration watch my Intuitive Abstract Experiments Video Class